

the condition of being known or talked about
by many people, especially on account of notable achievements




Have a great mouthpiece,


or innovation


of LOUD recognition and fame?





having or showing the qualities or abilities
that merit recognition in a specified way

• deserving effortattention, or respect




For years

when I was raising and training

our children

there was always

a Vision

of what living LOUD

as Faithful,

as Musicians,

as a

World Class

Communications Company

would be like.


And as

born and raised


who fundamentally understood

what The Declaration of Independence

really stood for and embodied,


for me personally

every morning

waking up in that

Awesome Heritage

was a rocket booster

with unlimited potential.


As a stay-at-home, homeschooling,

faithful wife and entrepreneur

it was all I could do

to hold back

that much energy

and creative force.


I’m the mom

that after making sure my children

knew how to read,

legibly write

in both print and cursive,

knew fundamental math,

and the curiosity of science,


I’m the mom

that pointed them

to the one place on earth

that could change their life:


the public library.


If we were allowed to check out

a certain number of books,

I divided that number

between me and the children

by the one card we had

and maxed it every time.


I’m the mom

that when there was downtime

at softball practice

or little league practice

or band practice,

not the events, the practices...

I was in the bleachers

reading everything I could

on business, on success,

on economics, on scientific discoveries,

on systems, and methods of training,

and presentation.


I maxed out

every single moment of being a mom

and at the same time

with access to libraries

and whole subject areas

with the greatest minds on the planet,

I trained to be that

Communications Company

while training our children

in love and respect

for all mankind.


I’m the mom

that shuttled drum corps kids

to camps monthly

and instead of listening to

general radio programming,

listened to audio presentations

about quarks

and quantum physics

and innovation processes

and discoveries.


So when I speak to you

about products,



or the greater concepts

which govern us all,


it’s from


of training,


and planning

of just what Paradise on earth

would be.


There are those

and you know who you are

who are born with a drive

to be


Pure Force Energy

in whatever field


or influence

Life has called you.


The knowledge and proficiency

you exemplify

knows no equal

as you understand

in the most direct terms


is a discipline

for the Benefit

of all Mankind.


To acknowledge that understanding

is a level of confidence

many, before this moment,

were uncomfortable with

mainly because

to “know” anything in life

to some can seem


or “better than”.


To those who might have

previously thought that,

by now in this moment of

defining fame and worthiness


you realize

I compete with no one.

And neither do you.


My life is sovereign...

as is yours

if you embody

the character,



and integrity

which are inalienable

and find kind welcome

in all walks of life.


You have the equal opportunity

to understand

and embody


in a way that too few,

at least until this moment,

have pursued.


In high performance racing,

space exploration,

and deep earth drilling,


is literally

a life and death concept.


If someone on your team

doesn’t understand

why Perfection matters

in those settings,

the results can not only be fatal,

but catastrophic.


To think that sort of discipline

doesn’t apply across every field

you’re involved in

is foolish.



Because you’ll put a drag on your system

of economy,

of performance,

of sustainability,

that is simply heartbreaking to watch...

because the solutions

are so simple


and everyone

no matter what part of humanity

you find yourself

has the opportunity

to rise to that level of Performance,

of Quality,

of Dependability.


And it all starts

with family

and the one person in your life

you’ve agreed

no matter what challenges or difficulties...


I am your champion.

I am your hero.

I believe in you

and you believe in me.



we are the Vision

of Intelligent Rocket Science Civilization.



I am your voice of steel.

Stainless steel.



Your Promotion opportunity awaits.


Are you worthy?




Much love,

Mama Murphy






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